Friday, February 22, 2008

Preservation Planning in Fairport

Congratulations to the village of Fairport on the enactment of a new preservation ordinance, described in an article in this week's Fairport-East Rochester Post. The ordinance gives the village the authority to designate landmarks and districts, ensuring that vital resources in the village survive into the next generation. (Not sure what a local preservation ordinance is or how it differs from the National Register? Here's an explanation.)

The article alludes to the many years of work that went into building support for the ordinance. The mayor of Fairport, Fritz May, will be a speaker at our annual preservation conference, along with Palmyra mayor Vicky Daly; both will describe how their communities succeeded in instituting this important local planning tool. We hope to see the members of the new Fairport and Palmyra preservation boards at the preservation board training workshop at our conference, along with their peers in the 25 other municipalities in our nine-county region that have local ordinances.

Posted by Katie Eggers Comeau, Advocacy Coordinator

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